Morning Glories Wiki

Image Comics Series Rings in the Fall[]

[1]MORNING GLORIES is gearing up for back-to-school! The Image Comics series by Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma is prepping for Fall, just like any diligent student of the prestigious Morning Glory Academy, where nothing is as it seems and a failing grade can mean death.

The MORNING GLORIES team is getting an early start, with the fifth trade paperback, collecting the “Tests” story arc from issues #26-29, out on August 28, the same day as MORNING GLORIES #30, the first issue of the next story arc, “Demerits.”

Following that, the highly anticipated second MORNING GLORIES Deluxe Edition hardcover will be released in September, collecting issues #13-25, which are also collected in the third and fourth volumes of the trade paperbacks. The Deluxe Edition will take readers further into the world of MORNING GLORIES, with sketches, character designs, cover galleries, and more.

In September and October, readers of MORNING GLORIES will get twice as much story each month, as two issues will be published in each month (issues #31-34).

“We’ve all been amazed and pleasantly surprised by the explosion in new readers we’ve seen over this last arc — it was important to us to keep that momentum going,” said writer Spencer. “After the climactic events of ‘Tests’, the new arc ‘Demerits’ is really our opportunity to go back and take a closer look at some of our cast members, and see how all this has impacted their lives. It’s a character-driven arc that answers some questions while introducing new mysteries at the same time.”

The MORNING GLORIES back-to-school publications are available for pre-order now from Diamond Comics with the following order codes.


MORNING GLORIES VOLUME FIVE: TESTS — JUN130486, ISBN 978-1-60706-774-0 MORNING GLORIES VOLUME TWO DELUXE EDITION hardcover — JUL130461, ISBN 978-1-60706-793-1)


MORNING GLORIES #29, featuring six variant covers by some of independent comics’ top artists — Rodin Esquejo, Joe Eisma, Edwin Huang, Ryan Kelly, Jeff Lemire, Kevin Mellon, Matthew Waite, and Marley Zarcone— will be in stores on July 31.