Morning Glories Wiki

Critical Hit[]

Irina kicks Steve's rear-end and there is what appears to be a flash of light: 2nd panel on page when Irina stands sideways on one leg and kicks Steve in the gut.  Maybe the flash of light should be mentioned.  I have no clue what it means.IVIoss (talk) 02:11, March 19, 2014 (UTC)

I take it back.  I was wrong.  I see now from the panel where Irina clubs Guillaume's face with the rifle that Irina made what is called a critical hit in a video game.  So it is something special but it is a critical hit not a flash of light.  OK so Irina scored a critical hit on Steve.  It still means something right?IVIoss (talk) 02:20, March 19, 2014 (UTC)
