Morning Glories Wiki
Morning Glories Wiki

Jade and Megan surrounded by glowing morning glory vines in a dream in Morning Glories #10.

The morning glory is a flowering vine for which the Morning Glory Academy is named after. The flower has a history of medicinal and hallucinogenic properties.

The morning glory has a recurring appearance in the series, either as full plants, or individual flowers.

In the Victorian Language of Flowers, it stands for "Love in Vain".

In addition the flower is often hidden thoughout the comic. For example, there is a hidden morning glory flower hidden in each of the first five issue covers.


Issue 8[]

  • When Hunter is tied up in The Greenhouse, planters full of morning glories surround him.

Issue 10[]

  • In Jade's dream, she sees several glowing vines of morning glories when she walks through the hall with Megan.
  • There is a vase of morning glories in Jade's Cutter's room.
  • Dr. Ellsworth holds a morning glory before speaking with her younger self.

Issue 20[]

  • Lara Hodge's dress has several morning glories on it.  Young Lara's pajama pants are covered in white morning glories.

Issue 26[]

  • The meal Casey receives in Abraham's Restaurant is garnished with a morning glory, a gift from the kitchen.

Issue 37[]

  • The doorman's door is adorned with morning glories.

Issue 38[]

  • Lara's pink dress is decorated with morning glories.

Issue 39[]

  • Lara's brown dress is decorated with morning glories.

Issue 42[]

  • The Glowing morning glories are seen again in Jade's dream.

Issue 49[]

  • Casey touches a bunch of flowers after entering the Greenhouse.