Morning Glories Wiki

A bright or blinding light is a recurring image in the series.

Bleaching light: Often associated with Time Travel. The time manipulator is often seen to be bathed in a bright white light. Sometimes it is so bright as to bleach color. It may be related to the use of a gift


  • The stairs to the Sumerian tower[1]
  • Vanessa and the walled garden[2]
  • Hunter in his office.[3]
  • Hisao is shown to be bathed in a similar light prior to switching bodies with his brother.[4]
  • Jade is also bathed in a bleaching white light when she prays to god for her mother to get up after the car accident[5] and ends up resurrecting her.[6]
  • Irina and Mr. N when they teleport.[7]
  • Hisao's corpse when Jade prays for his resurrection [8]

Other bright lights:

  • Akiko when David touches her.[9][3]
  • Clarkson's car crash.[10]
  • Akiko is blinded by the sun outside her infirmary window(dream).  This appears similar to the David incident.[11]


  1. Morning Glories #22. October 10, 2012.
  2. Morning Glories #32. October 2, 2013.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Morning Glories #25. March 27, 2013.
  4. Morning Glories #33. October 16, 2013.
  5. Morning Glories #34. October 30, 2013.
  6. Morning Glories #45. April 29, 2015.
  7. Morning Glories #46. June 3, 2015.
  8. Morning Glories #50. July 13, 2015.
  9. Morning Glories #23. November 28, 2012.
  10. Morning Glories #28. June 26, 2013.
  11. Morning Glories #37. February 19, 2014.